Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Over that hump

I asked my boss today to write me a Letter of Recommendation. Crossed that hurdle, so I entered her email as well as my two others into the online app. I dont have any professors to recommend me. I have my sons' special ed teacher, my current boss and a former boss. It will have to do. Hopefully the rest of my app is strong enough to make up for my lack of recent academic references.

Resume and SOP are probably as good as they are going to get. Now its just a matter of uploading them for finality, coughing up the $$ and hitting submit.


  1. Wow! Well done! I am definitely not going to have my apps done until a week or so before the deadline January 11th, if that (though my apps are requiring a lot of writing!). I am impressed. Way to go. Well done.

    And despite not having a prof recommendation, it sounds like you've got good transcripts...that plus your over-the-top FAB GRE scores should definitely speak for themselves. Lots of folks don't have a recent academic experience from which to get professor recs.

  2. Just checking in...did you get everything submitted? How you doing? Equally important, how you FEELING?!
