I submitted my app for GSU. I nagged all my Letter of Recommendation writers about submitting before the deadline. I don't know how to check it online since I submitted the app, so I will have to just take a deep breath and trust that they follow through.
[note, I'm a bit of a control freak, so needless to say, this part is not setting well with me]
I have my transcripts and the copy of my GRE scores in an envelope, waiting delivery to the admissions office on Tues. Or heck, maybe tomorrow since the kids' school and dance were cancelled and the ice should be off the interstates. I have the admissions office programmed into my GPS and everything. Yay, blogging just gave me my idea for warding off cabin fever with 3 unruly children tomorrow!
So once this app is 100% complete, I will focus my efforts on app #2. Deadline for that one is Feb 5th.