Thursday, April 1, 2010

Not this year

Online status was still showing "No decision at this time" so I finally called again. Had to call several depts and nag a bit just to get my own rejection from the receptionist. How anti-climactic. They couldnt even waste a sheet of letterhead on me. [/pity party]

I'm ok. I had my funk and fleeting feelings of worthlessness. But as I analyze and prepare my plan B, I am more pragmatic.

My interview wasnt great. I had a lack of current up to date knowledge of the field. For all they knew, despite my good GRE and GPA, I was just a bored SAHM who decided on a whim that speech therapy would be fun! Whee!

So the plan B that is formulating in my head is an online 2nd bachelors in SLP through Utah State that I can complete in 3 semesters (if I kick butt) and reapply next year. I will not have to take the pre-reqs so I will enter as a 2yr student (as opposed to 3) so I will not have lost any time. Doing it online cuts down on the daycare costs. Geting the 2nd degree will give me recent academic references and experience and will also show that I am committed and not just trying grad school on a whim.

I think it will help. Even if I will only have fall 2010 under my belt by the time I apply. And if I dont get in next year? With the 2nd bachelors, I can work as an SLP asst and get even more current experience and make my app look even better.

So I am down, but not out. I may keep up with this blog still since going back to school as a FT online student will have its own ups and downs, I imagine.

1 comment:

  1. It's always somewhat luck of the draw too...what they happen to be looking for in a team in any given year, etc.

    I think it's great you are moving forward, still in the direction of your goal. I think your application had a lot of great parts, and I think you are right on in looking at how you can strengthen the weak spots. And just think, when you reapply, you won't need to take those dang GREs again LOL.
